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About the Application

How do I apply for a credentials evaluation report? You can apply online by using our interactive, user-friendly application. You may also download an application from this website. Which... Read More

All Other Evaluations

Please note that there is a two-year limit from the date that the report was issued on requests for copies of any evaluation. For evaluations issued prior to the two-year limit, a new... Read More

Physical Therapy Evaluation

Please note that there is a five-year limit on requests for copies of any evaluation. We are currently able to issue duplicate copies of reports dated 2018 and thereafter. For evaluations issued... Read More

How to Apply

IMPORTANT: Please note that, at this time, IERF is NOT able to accept applications for physical therapy licensure evaluations for physical therapy credentials earned in Cuba. Steps to Successfully... Read More

Required Documentation

In most cases, an evaluation is required by the state board(s), even if an individual has been licensed in another state and practicing in the field for several years, as licensure requirements vary... Read More

Terms & Conditions

1. Advisory The evaluation reports prepared by IERF are advisory in nature and in no way limit an agency or institution in making its own determination as to the level of education and allocation of... Read More

Privacy, Cookie & Corporate Policies

Privacy Policy IERF takes your privacy very seriously and will take all reasonable steps to protect your privacy. This Statement of Privacy governs IERF's data collection and usage. For the purposes... Read More

What is EvalDirect™?

[arve url="" maxwidth="772" /] What is EvalDirect™ EvalDirect™ is IERF’s free online tracking facility that is designed to specifically meet the... Read More

Required Documentation

For Licensure in California, Colorado, Florida and North Carolina Mailed DIRECTLY to IERF by the Institution(s) of Study Training Verification Form Please forward the Training Verification Form... Read More

Required Documentation

[arve url="" maxwidth="772"/] Standard Application Required Documentation Below is a description of IERF’s general document requirements. If you... Read More