What is EvalDirect™
EvalDirect™ is IERF’s free online tracking facility that is designed to specifically meet the needs of our Institutional clients. This tool allows institutions to track the status of their applicants’ evaluations online and view comprehensive evaluation information.
How do I access EvalDirect™?
As soon as your institution has signed up for EvalDirect™, your authorized users will be able to log into a dedicated, secure page via IERF’s website.
What kind of information does EvalDirect™ display?
The data displayed includes the applicant’s full name, the IERF file number, the status of the evaluation, the date the application was received, the date the evaluation was completed, the date due if not yet completed, and which documents we still need in order to begin the evaluation.
Links to the completed evaluations are also available through EvalDirect™. Your institution’s users can view, save and/or print PDFs of the completed evaluation reports.
How will I know when an evaluation is complete?
Designated users will receive an email notification with a link to EvalDirect™ when an individual applicant’s evaluation report has been completed.
How will you know to list an applicant on my institution’s EvalDirect™ site?
A prospective applicant must authorize IERF to share their evaluation report with your institution. Please advise your applicants to indicate on their application that their evaluation report should be sent to your institution.
How does my institution sign up for EvalDirect™
Please contact our Institutional Relations Officer at institutions@ierf.org for more information about signing up for EvalDirect™.