How to Apply
IMPORTANT: Please note that, at this time, IERF is NOT able to accept applications for physical therapy licensure evaluations for physical therapy credentials earned in Cuba.
Steps to Successfully Submitting an Application
Step 1: | Review the Required Documentation here. |
Step 2: | Read our full Terms & Conditions here. |
Step 3: |
Submit your application for an evaluation to IERF, by taking advantage of our interactive and user-friendly online application. |
Step 4: | Once you have submitted your application, you will be assigned an IERF file number. If you submit your application online, you will receive an e-mail with a cover sheet that includes your IERF file number. If you mail your application to our office, we will e-mail you with your IERF file number. |
Step 5: | Once you have been assigned an IERF file number, please contact your school(s) and ask them to mail the required documentation directly to our office. Please ask them to include your IERF file number in the package that they mail to our office (so that we can more easily match the package to your file). |