Services & Fees
A file number will be assigned and notification will be sent upon receipt of the application.
Additional Services
Extra Copies
Copies Requested at the Time of the Application
One official agency copy and one applicant copy are included in the report fee. Applicant copies are unofficial reports provided for your personal reference. Additional official copies requested at the time of application cost $20 per copy. One delivery option must be selected for each official report requested, and the corresponding fees will be applied (see mailing options below).
Copies Requested After an Evaluation Report Has Been Mailed
Once a report has been mailed, extra copies may be obtained within two years from the date that the report was issued using the Request Form for Duplicate Copies of an Evaluation. Separate fees apply.
Please note that applicant files and documents are only kept for 2 years. Returning applicants seeking additional reports after the 2-year period must submit a new application and new fees, along with their academic records.
Mailing Options
As required by all state boards, your evaluation will be addressed and mailed directly to the Board. If your state board accepts evaluations by email, you may select the email option and provide their email address in the mailing instructions section of IERF’s online application. The official Report Delivery Fees are as follows (only one delivery option is available per evaluation report):
- Each Electronic Delivery for $10 per transmission
- Regular Mail for $10 per physical address in the continental U.S.
- Domestic Secure Mailing for $25 per physical address in the continental U.S.
- Domestic Next Day Delivery for $40 per physical address
- International Secure Mailing for $75 per physical address (if additional fees apply, you will be contacted)
We recommend that you select either Secure Mailing or Domestic Next Day Delivery for the return of your original academic records, as these include a tracking number. Please note that your original documents will not be returned to you, unless you instruct us in writing to return them via regular mail. IERF accepts no liability related to the loss or damage of documents during mailing.
Payment in the form of a check, cashier’s check, money order or credit card must accompany all applications, and must be payable to IERF. Overseas payments must be in U.S. dollars and drawn on a United States bank. If payment is being made by a bank draft, an additional $15 processing fee is required.