Required Documentation
IERF General Document Requirements
It is recommended that all the necessary documents be gathered before sending the application, as missing documents will delay the processing of the evaluation.
Also, be sure to read the IERF Country-Specific Requirements section (below), as it provides a more detailed description of the required academic records by country of study.
Academic Records
The following must be submitted:
Transcripts / Mark Sheets / Examination Certificates / Academic Records indicating courses/subjects, hours of study/units/credits, and grades/marks/examination results, issued in the original language. These must be issued on institutional letterhead and include official signatures and seals. If the hours/units/credits are not included on the academic records, please submit program descriptions/syllabi issued by the institution, where applicable.
Diplomas / Graduation Certificates / Degree Certificates issued in the original language (indicating that a degree/qualification has been earned or that a program of study has been completed)
If available, plan of studies / curriculum indicating the structure of your program of study
Copy of the title page, abstract, table of contents, and first ten pages of the dissertation for the evaluation of doctoral studies
Please note that if the applicant has continued on to postsecondary studies, he/she is not required to submit academic records for secondary studies. Also, if the applicant has completed graduate studies, the undergraduate academic records are still required as supporting documentation, although he/she may choose to not include them in the evaluation.
If the applicant has completed studies in the United States, please submit a copy of the transcript and/or diploma as supporting documentation. Please note, however, that the U.S. studies will not be included in the evaluation.
Translations must be submitted for all records not officially issued in English. These must be in the same format as the original-language documents, line-by-line, word-for-word, and must be typed. IERF reserves the right to request translations prepared by professional translation services.
In some instances, professional translations are required. Please be sure to check IERF’s Country-Specific Requirements (see section below) for more information.
IERF has negotiated a special discount with University Language Services for our applicants who use their translation services. ULS can be contacted through their website to learn more about the discount.
Proof of Name Change
If the applicant’s name has changed, please submit proof of name change (e.g. copy of a marriage certificate or other legal document, etc.).
IERF Country-Specific Requirements
Be certain that all the necessary documents are gathered before sending the application, as missing documents will delay the processing of the evaluation.
This section provides a detailed description of the required academic records by country of study. It is recommended that the IERF General Document Requirements section (above) be read first.
Please click here to view IERF’s Country-Specific Requirements.
EXCEPTIONS: International Curricula and Transnational Programs of Study
Secondary-Level Studies
You may have completed a program at an international high school in a curriculum that is different from the
national model of the country in which you physically studied. Examples include IGCSEs, International A-Levels, and
the International Baccalaureate. In such instances, the language of issue should correspond to the curriculum that
was studied rather than that of the physical host country.
Postsecondary-Level Studies
You may have completed a transnational program of study. Examples include joint degree programs, taught by
universities located in two different countries, or studying at the international branch campus of a university
physically located in a different country. In such instances, the records should be issued by the degree-awarding
institution, in the official language of that institution and curriculum.