About Communication with IERF
What if someone at my institution has questions about an equivalency report?
If you or your colleagues have questions concerning an evaluation at any point during the evaluation process, please contact our Institutional Relations Officer at institutions@ierf.org. Remember to include the IERF reference number and the name of the applicant on all correspondence.
What if the applicant has questions about the equivalency report?
If applicants have any questions, they should contact IERF via mail or e-mail (support@ierf.org). They should provide their name and file number on all correspondence.
What if the applicant does not agree with the equivalency report?
An applicant has 90 days from the date of issue of the evaluation report within which to raise any questions concerning its content (thereafter, the file will be closed).
If the applicant would like to have his/her file submitted to the Review Committee, he/she must put his/her request in writing. The request may be sent by regular mail, e-mail (support@ierf.org) or fax (310.342.7086). The applicant’s name and file number must be included on all correspondence.
The applicant should allow a minimum of 10 business days for the case to be reviewed. He/she will receive a reply in writing thereafter.
There is no guarantee that the Review Committee will determine that any changes should be made to the existing evaluation report.
How will the applicant know if all of the necessary documentation and fees have been submitted?
Once an application has been submitted, a status e-mail will be sent to the applicant with the file number and the date the application was received. If further information is required, we will contact the applicant by e-mail or phone.
If your institution has a question about the status of an applicant’s file, you can either check the status through EvalDirect™, or contact our Institutional Relations Officer at institutions@ierf.org.
Can my institution check the status of our applicants’ equivalency reports online?
Yes. The status of your applicants’ evaluations is made available online through EvalDirect™.