Document Requirements in International Admissions
Official or Not Official: Determining the Right Records for Review
First Presented at the 2018 NAGAP - The Association for Graduate Enrollment Management Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Emily Tse, Director of Evaluations, IERF
Shelby Cearley, Director of Graduate Admissions, Texas Tech University
In early 2018, an online survey was taken on international admissions practices with regard to educational documents required for submission. The results were first shared at the NAGAP conference shortly afterwards. To view our findings, please click here.
Evaluation Methodology
Approaches to International Degree Recognition: A Comparative Study
Emily Tse, Director of Evaluations
Little is known about approaches to credentials evaluation in other countries. While similar criteria form the basis of what we all do (e.g., minimum entrance requirement, length of program, etc.), their emphasis and interpretations do differ. This study explores the work done in four countries, the similarities and differences in approach, and the underlying factors for these patterns. The four regions of study are Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, all of which have databases that allow for comparison and which also rank among the top five places for mobility. Click here to view the study.
Grading Practices: What Admissions Officers Need to Know
Presented at the 2011 NAFSA (Association of International Educators) conference in Vancouver, Canada.
Pat Parker, Assistant Director of Admissions, Iowa State University
Emily Tse, Director of Evaluations
This session discusses the theories and philosophies behind grading as well as how they are treated in different countries around the world. By reviewing the variations in grading practices and cultures, the presenters aim to help provide the context for the interpretation and conversion of grades. Click here to view.
Globalization of Foreign Academic Credential Placement Recommendations
Understanding the Globalization of Foreign Academic Credential Placement Recommendations for Graduate Study in the United States, 1932-2015
Supported by IERF's Sepmeyer Research Grant (2016-17)
George Kacenga, Director of International Enrollment Management at University of Colorado Denver
This research focuses on the relationship between the increase in international student enrollment in the US and changes in the approaches to the analysis of foreign academic credentials over the past half century. Click here to view.