About My Documents
What documents do I need to submit?
The required documentation varies depending on the application (e.g., Standard Application, etc.). For more information, please refer to the For Individuals section.
Do I need to send you original documents?
The required documentation varies depending on the application (e.g., Standard Application, etc.). For more information, please refer to the For Individuals section.
How do I send IERF my original academic records?
We recommend that you send your original academic records through a courier service that offers a tracking service (e.g., UPS, DHL, etc.)
If you are using a courier service, please mail your documents to:
International Education Research Foundation, Inc.
10736 Jefferson Blvd. #532
Culver City, CA 90230
Phone: 310.258.9451
Please note that a walk-in service is not available and you are therefore not able to drop off your documents to our office.
Will my original documents be safe at IERF?
Yes. IERF appreciates that these documents are very valuable and often irreplaceable. Therefore, we make every effort to ensure that your original documents are handled with extreme care.
Will my documents be returned to me?
Yes. The original documents you submit will be returned to you, unless IERF finds that they are not authentic. However, photocopies and documents received directly from an institution in your country of study become the property of IERF.
Do I need to send in translations?
Yes. Translations must be submitted for all records not officially issued in English. These must be in the same format as the original-language documents, line-by-line, word-for-word, and must be typed. IERF reserves the right to request translations prepared by professional translation services.
In some instances, professional translations are required. For more information, please refer to the For Individuals section.
If submitting official or original translations, please include a set of clear, legible and full-sized photocopies (front and back).
Is there a translation service that IERF recommends?
IERF has negotiated a special discount with University Language Services for our applicants who use their translation services. You can contact them directly through their website to learn more about the discount.
Will you need to contact my school? What if the school never responds?
It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide the required documentation. However, if IERF has any questions, we reserve the right to contact educational and governmental institutions when additional information is necessary to complete the evaluation. Depending on the information needed, if an institution fails to respond after three attempts, an evaluation may not be possible.
Can I get a refund if I cannot provide you with all the documents you are requesting?
Unfortunately, no refund is issued once an application has been received and we have begun processing your case.
Before submitting an application, please refer to the For Individuals section for the required documentation.
Do I need to send my documents again if I need to re-apply for an evaluation?
We base our evaluations on the documents on file with our organization. We keep records on file for:
2 years for most applications
5 years for Physical Therapy Licensure applications
If IERF no longer has your records on file, you will be asked to re-submit all your educational records.