Required Documentation
For Licensure in California, Colorado, Florida and North Carolina
Mailed DIRECTLY to IERF by the Institution(s) of Study
Training Verification Form
Please forward the Training Verification Form (TVF) to your educational institution(s), request that they fill out all the information on the form, and that they mail it directly to IERF.
Please note that IERF is not able to accept a TVF that has been mailed by anyone other than the educational institution(s) (e.g., by the applicant, a relative of the applicant, etc.).
Official Transcript / Program Information
Your school will also be required to submit official copies of your transcript, listing the subjects studied and grades received. If a transcript is not available, supporting records regarding the program from the time of study should be submitted. Examples include: curriculum, study plan, program description, course descriptions, etc.
Certified or Attested Copy of Your Diploma / Graduate Certificate
If applicable, please also ask your school to submit a certified or attested copy of your Diploma / Graduation Certificate, issued in the original language (indicating that the program of training has been completed).
Mailed DIRECTLY to IERF by the Licensing Authority (for Colorado only)
Please forward the License Verification Form for Colorado (LVF) to the licensing authority, request that they fill out all the information on the form, and that they mail it directly to IERF. Please note that IERF is not able to accept a LVF that has been mailed by anyone other than the licensing authority (e.g., by the applicant, a relative of the applicant, etc.).
Mailed to IERF by the Applicant
Translations must be submitted for all records not officially issued in English. These must be in the same format as the original-language documents, line-by-line, word-for-word, and must be typed. IERF reserves the right to request translations prepared by professional translation services.
IERF has negotiated a special discount with University Language Services for our applicants who use their translation services. You can contact them directly through their website to learn more about the discount.
Proof of Name Change
If your name has changed, please submit proof of name change (e.g. copy of a marriage certificate or other legal document, etc.).
Copy of Your Barbering or Cosmetology License (if applicable)
If you have a professional license to work as a barber or a cosmetologist in another country, please submit a copy.
For Licensure in Delaware
For Secondary-Level Studies
Mailed to IERF by the applicant
Original Academic Records
Please submit the following:
- Original transcripts for all studies, indicating subjects studied and grades earned
- Original diplomas/degree certificates earned, if applicable
Translations must be submitted for all records not officially issued in English. These must be in the same format as the original-language documents, line-by-line, word-for-word, and must be typed. IERF reserves the right to request translations prepared by professional translation services.
IERF has negotiated a special discount with University Language Services for our applicants who use their translation services. You can contact them directly through their website to learn more about the discount.
Proof of Name Change
If your name has changed, please submit proof of name change (e.g. copy of a marriage certificate or other legal document, etc.).
Copy of Your Barbering or Cosmetology License (if applicable)
If you have a professional license to work as a barber or a cosmetologist in another country, please submit a copy.
For Barbering & Cosmetology Studies
Mailed DIRECTLY to IERF by the Institution(s) of Study
Training Verification Form
Please forward the Training Verification Form (TVF) to your educational institution(s), request that they fill out all the information on the form, and that they mail it directly to IERF.
Please note that IERF is not able to accept a TVF that has been mailed by anyone other than the educational institution(s) (e.g., by the applicant, a relative of the applicant, etc.).
Official Transcript (if available)
If applicable, your school will also be required to submit official copies of your transcript, listing the subjects studied and grades received.
Official Program Information (if available)
If available, your school should also send supporting documentation regarding the studies you completed at the time of training (e.g., curriculum, study plan, course descriptions, etc.)
Mailed to IERF by the Applicant
Original Diploma / Graduate Certificate
Please submit the original Diplomas / Graduation Certificates issued in the original language (indicating that a degree/qualification has been earned or that a program of training has been completed).
Translations must be submitted for all records not officially issued in English. These must be in the same format as the original-language documents, line-by-line, word-for-word, and must be typed. IERF reserves the right to request translations prepared by professional translation services.
IERF has negotiated a special discount with University Language Services for our applicants who use their translation services. You can contact them directly through their website to learn more about the discount.
Proof of Name Change
If your name has changed, please submit proof of name change (e.g. copy of a marriage certificate or other legal document, etc.).
Copy of Your Barbering or Cosmetology License (if applicable)
If you have a professional license to work as a barber or a cosmetologist in another country, please submit a copy.